artist submissions


Do pay careful attention selecting and inputting your artwork details and uploading images; this is the content the jury will use to adjudicate your work.

Before you begin the application process, please be prepared with the following:

  • Artwork Images (up to 7 images of works from , JPG, or JPEG, 72 DPI, 1000 pixels along the longest side)
  • Artwork details including title, year, medium, and size of the work
  • Ensure your images are high quality, clear, in focus, evenly lit, and cropped to artwork edges without a border.
  • Title your image files with last name, first initial, artwork title, dimensions (HXW inches). Only use underscores to note spaces. ex. DoeJ_ArtworkTitle_24x24.jpg
  • An artist statement that directly addresses the experiences that have shaped your practice that you would want to share with collectors. Things to note may include your inspirations, the progression of your studio practice, a description of the themes or processes relatable to the submitted works, or training. Statement must not exceed 200 word limit.